Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I have no idea where to begin when it comes to thanking people for their generosity.  Just when I think I have seen more acts of kindness than I could ever imagine, more seem to appear.  I was completely surprised today when I received proceeds from a raffle & candle sales that totaled more than $7000.  I had absolutely no idea that any of this was being done.  I mean, absolutely  no idea at all.  I knew that my sister was an amazing person and I have seen her go out of her way to help other people before.  She has truly outdone herself in coordinating this on my behalf...  her birthday is Saturday and I'm feeling that whatever I get her just won't measure up after today.  :)

To all of you who worked so hard to put this together... thank you is simply not enough.  You have changed my life & the future financial situation of our family.  You have given a tangible example of kindness & generosity that I will make sure my boys always remember.  I want them to know that the world is full of people who are always willing to help, and I want them to someday become part of that community of people.  You are true blessings to me & my family and I am already inspired to "pay it forward"...

We are starting to receive a few bills and we have set them aside.  We were very aware that this was expensive and we were planning to set up a payment plan with Baylor that would probably still have a balance when we reached retirement!  That burden has been lifted and I am forever grateful. 

 I hope that you are smiling as you read this and know that I am thinking of each of each of you as I write this tonight.  If you know of someone who helped and does not read this blog, please pass along my thanks to them.  Yet again, I have felt God's blessings as we go through this journey - and I have seen His work in each of you.


Anonymous said...

I can wait until your next scan for my birthday "all clear" will be perfect!
I LOVE YOU!!! Deuces Lumpy

Anonymous said...

Jenn, Michael and boys,
You are such an amazing inspiration to all of us who read your blog.
Haleigh was reading along with me today and saw the picture of you and Zach and she didn't even notice that you had shaved your head. All she saw was how happy you and Zach looked. When she read through the blog she said that you looked prettier than the last time when you were at her Grammy's house!
Stay strong!
Tiff, Miles, Haleigh and Grace

Chelsea and Brian said...

Hi Jen! It was so good to hear from you. You have been in our prayers and I think of you daily. We are truly surrounded by an amazing group of people. You are in my thoughts today. I know you'll do great!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is God is good. He knows our needs and takes care of them. He knows when we need encouragement and delivers it like now man can. God Bless you Allen family we are praying for you. Santa Fe Baptist Church