Sunday, November 30, 2008

Checking in

I am enjoying my coffee this morning... the boys are still asleep and the house is quiet!  It's the perfect time for me to catch up on "me" things.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope you all did too.  We've been slowly decorating for Christmas and I feel like it will just be time to take it all down if I don't hurry.  Zach & Ryan have been a great help, they decorated the tree - it looks pretty funny and the ornaments are concentrated on the bottom half of the tree, but that's okay!  

Overall, I'm feeling pretty good.  The jaw pain that I experienced with the last round wasn't as severe this time.  I am experiencing more nausea and learning what I should and should not try to eat for dinner, that's not a fun lesson.  It seems like it gets worse in the evening so I've learned to stick to things like cream of wheat & chicken noodle soup for the past couple of days. It's a lot like the feeling that I had when I was pregnant with Ryan - and I managed my way through that for nine months!

One last note, I had my liver enzymes checked last time I went in for chemo. and just learned that they are all well within the normal ranges.  There is one enzyme in particular that we expected to be a little high as a result of the treatment, and it has actually gone down since we started.  My platelet counts are good too (something else that's a problem for me from time to time).  I feel like I have a lot to be thankful for as those numbers are in check.  Things are good!

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