Saturday, March 28, 2009

Good News

I talked to my oncologist this week and he was definitely able to ease my mind a little more about the scans. He said that it's not abnormal for the PET to show some activity if we scanned too soon post-treatment. He'll definitely watch me closer, but we're not worrying!

Insurance usually pays for these scans every 3 months - no sooner. He is checking to see if they will pay to have one in 6 weeks, and if not, we'll do it in June. He doesn't see that it is an emergency, which is good.

I know these updates are few and far between. I see that as a good thing. Let's hope I have nothing to report until my visit in April. Thanks again for all of your prayers... love to you all.

1 comment:

Dana Tinley said...

those scans can't really come quick enough (mental thing) for someone going thru what you have been thru, but you will see, results will be good!!! You need to enjoy being cancer free...Love from the Tinley's