Thursday, October 23, 2008

Diffuse Large B-Cell non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

I feel like I'm learning new things constantly.  There is an entire world out there that I had no idea about and I'm becoming a little more educated every day.  Today Michael, mom, and I met with my new radiologic oncologist, Dr. Cheek, and my medical oncologist, Dr. Molina.  

Dr. Cheek talked to us first about radiation treatment.  He also told us a little more about my diagnosis - Diffuse Large B-Cell non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  What a name.  He said that if the choice was between this and the original suspicion of sarcoma, he'd take this.  I liked him even more at that point.  He will start radiation after my chemo is finished - probably sometime in January.   He took lots of time to sit and talk with us and answered so many questions.  I'm understand that radiation will be the easier of the two parts of treatment - much easier...

After learning a lot from Dr. Cheek, we went upstairs to meet Dr. Molina.  This was the man with the plan.  Woah.  Dr. Molina first ordered a PET scan so check on a "predominant" lymph node that was found in the CT scan.  They think it's fine but need to make sure because that will change the # of chemo treatments that I need.  Then he drops another bomb, he's doing a bone marrow test today.  Now I've had three of these in my life and they hurt.  I mean, they HURT.  After that news it was hard to concentrate on what he was telling me.  I know I'll have a regimen of chemotherapy called CHOP-R.   Each letter stands for one of the meds in the mix.   It's standard for this type of lymphoma and it has a host of side-effects, but tends to be really effective.  I'll have that infusion once a month for 3 - 6 months.

 I'll start chemotherapy next Friday.  Halloween!  I hope Michael & Kim are up to taking my little Yoda & Storm Trooper trick-or-treating without me.  My dad used to hide in the back of the house on Halloween with the lights off, a bit of a Halloween scrooge.  If he were here, I'd go hide with him this time... I think we'd have a good excuse for once.  :)

Some very cool news  and something I'll be praying for:  I found out that after exposure to chemotherapy, some people with autoimmune diseases (I have 2) have no problems afterwards and don't have to continue their immunosuppressive meds. I'm not going to put any money on it, but if that happened in my case I might even believe this was a blessing in disguise.  

This evening, my hip hurts... I know I'm starting chemo next week (I even have chemo. orientation class on Tuesday - should be a blast!)...  and my nephew Brandon just called to tell me that he's shaving his head when I do whenever that time comes - how amazing is that?


sbclark65 said...

Thanks so much for keeping us aware of what to pray for! I believe in praying specific - cut to the mustard - skip the nonsense!! And I will. Walked this path with others so do know other things to believe God for. Jennifer, can't wait to meet you, got a lot of stories I know you will want to hear. Maybe I'll send them to cheer you up - some are quite funny. Anyway, we are praying. Betty

jeb said...

I am a friend of your Aunt Danne and have heard about all of you for the last 35 years. I feel I know you and am praying for a great outcome for you. JEB

Mike Stephenson said...

You CAN do this! Fight! Fight hard! Let me know if I can answer questions along the way. We'll be praying for all of you! Mike Stephenson

Sharon said...

You have been in my thoughts & prayers since Kim told me last week. My prayer warriors have also been praying for you. It looks like all the prayers of many are working already. You have the right attitude & spirit & support to beat this, and I know you will! We will keep praying until you are completely healed.
Sharon Martella & Family

Michelle said...

Wow, amazing blog you have here. David just showed it to me today. We are all praying for you, just finished w/ my little Sophie...she wanted to know who you were :) I have to admit tears have been streaming down my face as I read the posts. Michael did such a great job describing your attitude and your "not a victim" mentality...You are such an inspiration! You will be in our daily prayers.
Many Blessings to come,

Dana Tinley said...

The Tinley family's thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you begin your treatments for DLBC Lymphoma. Dana was diagnosed with Stage II DLBC Lymphoma on November 30, 2007. She received RCHOPx6 and was declared in "Complete Remission" after her treatments. Her CT/PET scans were actually negative after her 3rd chemo treatment. If our family can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. From reading your blogs, you are in the best of hands. That was an awesome post Michael! We will continue to pray for your healing.
God Bless,

Chris and Dana Tinley

Becca said...

Jennifer & Michael~Thank you so much for the updates...your story reminds me show much of Dana's. We watched her fight this, and as Chris said, God gave them a miracle! The same thing will happend with your family!!!! God is good & quick to take care of his children...Michael...I loved your blog and it just made me think Jennifer is so lucky to have someone as good as you fight her battles with her! What an awesome stronger bond this will bring with you and your family! You are in our prayers! Love you guys!

Elizabeth said...

You are an amazing woman and I am inspired watching you go through this. Know that you are staying in my prayers throughout this time. Your boys will be stronger and better because they watch you cling to God and have such a positive outlook.
Love ya,

Kathy Hasty said...

Mike and I pray for you every day. I know that you will win this battle. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! You have such a wonderful faith and such a positive attitude. There is NO way you will not beat this little "Lumpy". Love you!

Kathy Hasty said...

Mike and I pray for you every day. I know that you will win this battle, you have such a deep faith and a positive attitude that there is NO way "Lumpy" will win. FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!

Mike Furrow said...

Dear Jennifer & Michael,
I don't know you two well, but I feel like I do because I have known Mike Allen since about 1995, and he LOVES to talk about his family! Mike and I know from an experience with a dear friend of ours that a prayerful and positive attitude are key components of a successful battle. It is obvious that you two have these attributes. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers as you win this battle.
Mike Furrow